My Platform at a glance:
1. Raising the minimum wage- I will actively work to push for legislation that lifts the wage to $15/hour
2. Investing in Education Reform- our schools are in need of funding and a Re-evaluation of Curriculum. My goal is to push for bills that promote a safe and inclusive educational environment while actively investing in the needs of ALL students.
3. Healthcare as a human right- I will push for universal healthcare regardless of employment status. I will work towards making VT programs like Dr. Dynosaur more accessible I will actively work towards dismantling gender based, class based, sexual orientation based and income based discrimination when seeking medical treatment.
4. Rural Economic Development- Our roads are in need of major repair, high speed internet access makes rural living an extra challenge and lack of adequate public transportation make living in Vermont challenging for folks struggling to find employment and who are hurting financially. My goal is to bring these issues into the light and work to put in place systems That will benefit ALL Vermonters.